Characteristics of a fragment of the literature on performance evaluation and growth mindset
Inovação, Mentalidade de Crescimento, Sistema de Avaliação de DesempenhoAbstract
The study aims to analyze a fragment of the literature to identify the characteristics of research on growth mindset and performance evaluation. Growth mindset is considered to be an individual's deep-seated belief in their ability to learn, develop and change throughout life. The study is qualitative, descriptive and has a bibliometric approach. To select a Bibliographic Portfolio (BP), the constructivist instrument ProKnow-C was used, and 17 articles were identified that addressed Performance Evaluation and Growth Mindset in the 6 databases consulted. The results show that managers have a growth mindset when using a performance appraisal system, whose learning objective is improvement and the search for greater results in managerial and individual terms. The results show that learning is promoted when the objective of the Performance Evaluation is to analyze performance for management purposes, using individual measures, highlighting the manager's leadership role. Contemplating the approach of reward systems, based on the promotion of learning, are opportunities for further research, in the form of linking rewards to performance and, conversely, to people's attitudes and behaviors in managerial performance.
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