Cultura de aprendizagem e desempenho nas organizações
um mapeamento sistemático de literatura
Cultura de Aprendizagem, Desempenho, OrganizaçõesAbstract
In the current context of high competitiveness among organizations, organizational learning culture has been considered a key concept both for academia and for organizational environment, including the public sphere. This research aims to present an analysis of scientific production regarding to the study of the relationship between the learning culture and the performance in organizations, in the period between 2013 and 2023, through a systematic mapping of the literature. As a result, it was possible to perceive the remarkable discrepancy at the quantity between the studies that relate the culture of learning and the performance in the private and public sectors, as well among the publication produced internationally and the national ones. Yet, most of the research considered indicated a direct and positive relationship between the learning culture and the performance in organizations.
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