Universidades Empreendedoras
uma análise bibliométrica entre 1998-2023
Universidades empreendedoras, Estudo bibliométrico, Tríplice Hélice da InovaçãoAbstract
Entrepreneurial universities face the changes faced on the world stage, directing resources in a logical and strategic way so that innovation and scientific development are achieved. Thus, the research aimed to analyze how the entrepreneurial university has been approached in the academic environment. Thus, a bibliometric analysis was carried out in the Web of Science database based on the term “entrepreneurial university”, based on publications made between 1998 and 2023. We chose to use VOSviewer, a software capable of creating maps from distances, grouped keywords, titles, abstracts and references. The results show data regarding the origin, evolution of publications on the subject over time and which were the main journals in which the articles were and are being published, also indicating the authors who published the most about entrepreneurial universities and the most cited in this area. The clusters generated from the co-occurrence of the keywords indicated that entrepreneurial universities are related to topics such as: education, technology transfer, triple helix, innovation, knowledge, science, industry, economic development and academic entrepreneurship. The analyzes carried out indicate that there is still much to be discussed about entrepreneurial universities, which is an emerging topic that is still in the process of expansion.
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