


  • Português Universidade Federal de Uberlândia
  • Português Português




Greenwashing, ESG, Sustainability


Growing concerns about ethical, social and environmental issues encourage discussions of the ESG agenda, however, when not accompanied by regulation and inspection, it can lead to greenwashing, which refers to the difference between what companies say they do and what they do fact. This study aims to investigate, through a systematic review, models of measurements and evaluations of the practice of greenwashing and the determining factors of companies likely to engage in greenwashing, available in the Spell, Science Direct, Web of Science and Scopus databases, in the temporal limitation until May 2023. In all, 17 articles published in 13 journals were analyzed. In general, the contemporaneity of the studies was observed, considering that 88% of the studies were published in the last three years (2021, 2022 and the first five months of 2023), with predominance of Chinese studies (39%). As a result of this study, 8 greenwashing measurement models proposed in the evaluated studies were surveyed, with the model proposed by Yu, Luu, and Chen (2020) being the most used partially or fully. Regarding motivations and effects, the association between greenwashing and financial performance (28%) stands out, followed by the relationship between greenwashing and the political and regulatory context (17%). Finally, the increase in studies published in recent years indicates the relevance and contemporaneity of the research topic for the academy, market and society and the present study empirically contributes to the understanding and improvement of studies on greenwashing, being a parameter for future works.


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How to Cite

Oliveira Peixoto, N., & Silva de Almeida, N. (2024). Português: Português. REUNIR Revista De Administração Contabilidade E Sustentabilidade, 14(4), 69-83. https://doi.org/10.18696/reunir.v14i4.1715



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