

  • Português Português
  • Português Português
  • Português Português




Sustainability; Knowledge, Attitudes and Practices (KAP); Socio-environmental Responsibility


The objective was to estimate the community's perception of a science and technology institute on sustainability practices. A survey was carried out on Knowledge, Attitudes and Practices (KAP) on Socio-environmental Responsibility in an Institute of Science and Technology. The KAP was structured in three parts, totalizing 31 questions distributed in the six thematic axes of the Environmental Agenda in Public Administration (A3P). Participated in the study 200 employees, representing 17.81% (200/1,123) of the institutional community. As for the rational use of public goods, 75.5% (151/200) answered turning off the equipment when leaving work and 67.0% (134/200) printed “double-sided” documents. Regarding waste management, 52.0% (104/200) disposed of waste in selective bins and 56.0% (112/200) were unaware that the institution carried out solidary selective collection actions. Regarding quality of life, 78.5% (157/200) acknowledged working in a healthy environment. As for professional training aimed at sustainability, 60.0% (120/200) did not recognize internal awareness-raising and training initiatives aimed at this segment. Regarding sustainable public purchases, 54.0% (108/200) and 57.5% (115/200) were unaware that the institution prioritized the quality and durability of purchased products or had a preference for products manufactured from non-polluting sources, respectively. Regarding sustainable buildings, 93.5% (187/200) reported that there is no constructions or technological processes for better use of available natural resources. That being said, it is suggested to improve interventions aimed at expanding the development of skills in the area of ​​environmental sustainability, implementing the Environmental and Social Management Plan (ESMP) and strengthening institutional communication strategies related to sustainability actions.


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How to Cite

Matos, L. E. de, Santos Serrão de Castro, N. ., & RACHID VIANA, G. M. (2024). Português. REUNIR Revista De Administração Contabilidade E Sustentabilidade, 14(1), 93-110. https://doi.org/10.18696/reunir.v14i1.1518



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